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Claire Clark is a former Chief Superintendent who served in the Metropolitan Police Service for 31 years, retiring in October 2022. She joined the Metropolitan Police Service in September 1991 after a BA (Hons) in English and Sociology. For the first 11 years of her service, as a constable and sergeant, she worked on emergency response teams, gaining skills as a response driver, public order officer, public order loggist and Police Support Unit (PSU) commander, specialist sexual offences investigator, officer safety instructor. As an inspector she had several leadership roles including responsibility for custody, volume crime investigations, neighborhood policing at Notting Hill and the borough taskforce.
She continued her public order event policing on promotion to Chief Inspector by becoming public order command trained and spending a significant number of weekends at Arsenal’s Emirates stadium. As a Superintendent she completed the Senior Investigating Officer course and led the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Northwest London. Prior to retirement Claire was the head of the department responsible for the planning the police response for all public order events in London which included protest, sporting events, festivals, concerts, and ceremonial events. She was one of the most experienced Public Order Commanders in London and was also a Multi-Agency Gold Incident Commander and a tactical CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) commander. She holds a master’s degree in leadership and management and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Chapter in Anthology:
Public Order Policing in the UK