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Chief (retired) Ryan Lee has served over 22 years in the policing profession. He served nearly 20 years with the Police Bureau in Portland, Oregon, USA specializing in public order policing for nearly 17 of those years. He rose through the ranks of the public order unit from line officer to senior leadership. He has deployed hundreds of times in public order operations ranging from peaceful gatherings to riots. He served as a front-line supervisor during the 2011 Occupy Portland Protest and as the Operations Section Chief during the 2016 Election Riots and 2017 Inauguration Riots in Portland. Chief Lee has been a subject matter expert in public order policing for the National Institute of Justice, the Center for Domestic Preparedness, International Association Chiefs of Police’s Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center, the National Tactical Officer Association, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center through work with the Federal Protective Service. He was a keynote speaker at the International Public Order Workshop of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from California State University at Sacramento and a Master of Criminal Justice from Boston University.
Chapter in Anthology:
Public Order Policing 2.0. Addressing the Challenges of the Information Age