Differences in Policing Assemblies between the U. S. and Germany

The three chapters

by Dr. Bernd Bürger, Brigadier Gerd Thielmann, Captain Alan Hanson and Commander Craig Dobson seek to show how differences in society, law, standards, and education influence the policing of public order and common policing approaches. The first chapter, “Differences in U.S. and German Police Organizations with an Impact on the Policing of Public Assemblies,” explains differences between Germany and the U.S. that are relevant to policing assemblies. Police institutions and regulations can be understood only if situated within a broader context (e.g., form of government, societal characteristics, and historical events), as contextual influences impact police structures and activities. The appendix offers a glossary to explain specific police terms and foster understanding of technical jargon used throughout this book.

In “Police Organization and the Policing of Assemblies in Germany” and the subsequent chapter, “…the United States”, the authors highlight aspects of German and U.S. police organizations and standards associated with policing assemblies or large-scale events. A fictitious case study is used to illustrate how an assembly might be policed. Both chapters provide a brief overview of cross-border police collaboration for assemblies and other gatherings.

View the full articles here, here and here.

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