Gerd Thielmann has 44 years of experience as a police officer, including 28 years as a senior officer. He started his career as a patrol officer, before he became an investigator. Later he was the head of a crime scene investigation team, he also completed the education to become a certified forensic expert. As a senior officer, he worked as a lecturer of police operations and leadership science at the Police University for Applied Sciences. Afterwards, he worked at the strategic level in the Ministry of the Interior, where he was responsible for the training and further education of the 20,000 employees of the Hesse Police. He intensified his practical leadership experience as head of various units, including two years as Deputy Head of European Union Police Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Head of the Northern Hesse Police Department with approx. 1800 officers. As the Head of the Police Leadership Science Faculty at the German Police University (GPU), he also worked scientifically. The last three years in his police career, he served as Vice President of the GPU.
For the last 8 years he has been working as an international consultant for Police Leadership and Academic Education in the North-Africa and Middle East region for various international organizations such as CEPOL (EU-Agency for Law Enforcement Training), OSCE, GIZ (German Society for international Cooperation), and FRONTEX (EU-Agency for Border- and Coast Guard). Currently he is a consultant at Naif Arab University for Security Science in Riyadh/KSA, an institution of the Arab League.
Chapters in Anthology:
Differences in U.S. and German Police Organizations with an Impact on the Policing of Public Assemblies
Police Organization and the Policing of Assemblies in Germany
List of publications: click here.