Dr. Martina Schreiber

Contact: [email protected]

Dr. Martina Schreiber, graduate psychologist. After studying in Constance, Glasgow and Bonn, she was involved in the evaluation of police measures at UEFA Euro 2004 in Portugal as a staff member of the University of Liverpool. Back in Europe, she became a research associate and member of the Public Order Expert Panel of the Netherlands Police Academy. Her research work included the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, the UEFA Euro 2008 Austria/Switzerland, numerous soccer matches and demonstrations in Europe. 2010 PhD at Jacobs University Bremen on ‘Group relations at crowd-events’. Publications in peer reviewed journals and textbooks, presentations at congresses, conferences, seminars of fan-, human rights organizations, ministries and police organizations. Her special commitment is the scientific monitoring of collegial consultation processes and organizational learning in police agencies. She has been a counsellor and therapist (CBT) since 2017.

Chapter in Anthology:
How Collective Violence Emerges and Escalates