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Craig Dobson has 24 years of law enforcement experience and is assigned as a police Commander at the Portland Police Bureau, assigned to lead the strategic planning and managing of the bureau’s downtown precinct of 146 sworn and professional staff. He also serves as the Senior Public Order Incident Commander for the Bureau, overseeing the Public Order Incident Commander Program. Additionally, Craig is the Police Bureau’s Instructor for Command personnel involving Public Order– Responsible for developing and teaching Bureau command staff the principles and theory behind Public Order including 1st amendment implications, crowd behavior, social identity, police capabilities, and appropriate tactical police responses. Prior to being a commander, he served continuously for 15 years in a detached assignment with the Rapid Response Team (RRT), the Portland Police Bureau’s all-hazards team, and helped develop and coordinate Public Order training for Oregon’s regional Public Order teams including Oregon Air and Army National Guard members. Commander Dobson served as the Overall Incident Commander during the civil unrest of 2020 in Portland.
Chapters in Anthology:
Differences in U.S. and German Police Organizations with an Impact on the Policing of Public Assemblies
Police Organization and the Policing of Assemblies in the United States