Carsten Schenk

Contact: [email protected]

Director Carsten Schenk studied psychology before working as an operational psychologist in the Central Police Psychological Service of the Hessian Police (ZPD). Schenk is responsible for developing tactical and operational communication approaches for mass events/assemblies. He advised police leadership on communication during the ongoing large-scale operation for the further construction of the federal freeway A49. Today, he is Psychology Director and head of the ZPD’s Operations Support, consisting of the Behavioral Analysis Competence Center dealing with Threat Management and Criminal Psychological Investigation Support as well as the Communication and Crisis Management Competence Center with, among others, Operations / Crisis Communication / De-escalation, Negotiation Management, Psychosocial Crisis Management / Operations Section Support, Officers Crisis Support, as well as Acting and Deciding in Critical Situations.

Chapter in Anthology:
Mission Communication as an Integrative Overall Strategy in Protest 2.0