Contact: [email protected]
Jason Kepp is an Assistant Director at the Federal Protective Service, where Jason is a member of the leadership team that leads the training and professional development of sworn and non-sworn employees.
Jason spent 25 years in the emergency services field, serving in the field and later as Deputy Director of Emergency Medical Services at Somerset County Emergency Services Academy (N.J.). Before starting with the Department of Homeland Security, Jason’s career encompassed all organizational leadership, development, and management levels for emergency service organizations and educational institutions. His published works have included active threat response and training, incident management, health and safety, pandemic response, and tactical law enforcement operations.
Jason has received numerous awards for superior performance throughout his tenure. His awards and decorations include lifesaving certificates of achievement, agency commendations, and the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service. Jason is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Research and Advisory Committee, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and the Order of the Sword and Shield, an academic and professional honor society for homeland security.
Chapters in Anthology:
Building an Evidence-Based Training Curriculum for Public Order Policing: A Case Study
Considerations for Personal Protective Equipment for Public Order Policing