Anthony J. Raganella is a retired 25-year decorated New York City Police Department Deputy Inspector. Currently, he is the founder and CEO of NY Blue Line Consulting Group, which provides law enforcement training and consulting services in the US. Additionally, he has been at the forefront of advocating for and developing national standards for personal protective equipment, tactics, and training relating to US public order policing. While at the NYPD, Anthony spent 8 years as the Commanding Officer of the Disorder Control Unit, a citywide department unit responsible for planning, assessing and ensuring the Department’s training and readiness in crowd management and disorder control operations for civil unrest, as well as major events, emergencies, and protests. As Commander of that unit, Anthony regularly developed policy, as well as evaluated and implemented training, equipment and best practices related to crowd management and control. He is considered a subject matter expert on matters related to protests and civil unrest and regularly trains, consults, and testifies on such matters. Anthony has completed his Master Degree in Public Administration, summa cum laude, from Marist College; a Bachelor of Science Degree in Behavioral Science, summa cum laude, from New York Institute of Technology; an Associate of Science Degree in Criminal Justice, summa cum laude, from Nassau Community College, as well as being a graduate of the 24th Session of Columbia University’s Police Management Institute, and the 223rd Session of the FBI National Academy. Additionally, Anthony is the author of several published peer-reviewed journal articles and textbook chapter supplements in the field of criminal justice.
Jason Kepp is an Assistant Director at the Federal Protective Service, where Jason is a member of the leadership team that leads the training and professional development of sworn and non-sworn employees. Jason spent 25 years in the emergency services field, serving in the field and later as Deputy Director of Emergency Medical Services at Somerset County Emergency Services Academy (N.J.). Before starting with the Department of Homeland Security, Jason’s career encompassed all organizational leadership, development, and management levels for emergency service organizations and educational institutions. His published works have included active threat response and training, incident management, health and safety, pandemic response, and tactical law enforcement operations. Jason has received numerous awards for superior performance throughout his tenure. His awards and decorations include lifesaving certificates of achievement, agency commendations, and the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service. Jason is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Research and Advisory Committee, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and the Order of the Sword and Shield, an academic and professional honor society for homeland security.
Jaclyn M. Keane, Esq. is a 14-year veteran of the New York City Police Department in the rank of captain and currently assigned to the headquarters’ Operations Division where she is the NYPD’s liaison to the Mayor’s Office of Citywide Events Coordination and Management. Jaclyn plans, budgets and negotiates for the Police Department for all major events in New York City. She also assists with the coordination and oversight of the citywide assignment and deployment of personnel for all of New York City’s major details and events, as well as supervising the department’s Joint Operations Center (JOC) during serious crimes, large-scale emergency incidents, and disasters. Prior to her previous assignment, she was an attorney in the Criminal Unit of the NYPD’s Legal Bureau, being on call 24/7 and advising members of the department on criminal law matters, interpretation of statutes and constitutional law. Moreover, she reviewed departmental orders and procedural revisions on policy and operational matters. Operationally in the field, Jaclyn was on-scene at active protests and civil unrest where she continually coordinated in real-time with incident commanders to provide decisive legal advice pertaining to arrests and constitutional issues that arose. Jaclyn received her undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from University of Miami where she was on the Dean’s List and accepted into numerous honor societies and became a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity. She received her Juris Doctorate from New York Law School and is a member of the New York City Bar Association, as well as the New York State Bar Association. She is currently admitted to practice law in the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Jarolimek is a communication scientist. He has been Professor of Communication Science at the German Police University in Münster since 2016. His work and research focus on strategic communication, intercultural communication, extremism research and professional field research. Since 2016, he has been responsible for education and training at the Office for the Coordination of Social Media of the German Police Forces. He has published essays and books on the future of the police, the professionalization of police communication, and online radicalization.
Alan Hanson is a Captain with the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) in Virginia. Alan received a BA in Political Science and Russian Studies in 1989 from Gustavus Adolphus College after which he joined the U.S. Navy and served as a Cryptologic Officer. He joined the FCPD in 1994 and is currently serving as the commander of the traffic division. In addition, he is the senior public order incident commander for the FCPD and serves as the Civil Disturbance Units (CDU) administrative commander. He has served as the incident commander for numerous CDU deployments, most recently he was primary IC for the FCPD for the protests of Supreme Court Justices residences as well as deployments to support US Capitol Police in 2022. Alan is one of the founding members of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) CDU subcommittee and served there for several years as chairman and vice-chairman. He is also a founding member of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) CDU Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Special Technical Committee (STC) and traveled to the United Kingdom and Germany on a research trip for NIJ in 2017 to observe European public order standards and best practices in CDU equipment, tactics and training, and report back on the findings. Alan also served as the chairman of the Incident Management Subcommittee for the Major Cities Chiefs Association.
Prof. Dr. Jonas Grutzpalk is a political scientist and sociologist. He has served as Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Police and Public Administration since 2009. He was previously a research assistant for the project “Max Weber’s so-called sociology of law” of the Max Weber Complete Edition and then a public relations officer at the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Brandenburg. In this capacity, he developed, among other things, the educational simulation game “Democracy and Extremism.” He has published on knowledge stocks and knowledge management in security agencies, intercultural competence, the “New Right,” and sociology of religion.
Commissaire divisionnaire Christian Ghirlanda began his career in 1985 as a policeman at CRS 45 (public order company) in Chassieu and then worked at CRS 50 in La Talaudière. He was deployed at many serious law enforcement events, particularly those in New Caledonia in May 1988. In 1991 he passed the competitive examination for the rank of Peace Officer and was posted as a Lieutenant to the CRS 55 in Marseille and then to the CRS 06 in St Laurent du Var. This time, as a section leader or half-company leader, he was confronted with major public order events. In 2000 he joined the office of the Prefect of Police in Corsica. He was in charge of the organization of official trips, including a deconcentrated Council of Ministers in Ajaccio, he managed the use of policing forces in Corsica and was responsible for the security of the deployment of the Euro fiduciary on the island in 2002. In 2009, he joined the Ecole Supérieure de la Police Nationale de Saint Cyr aux Monts d’Or and became Police Commissioner. He was appointed Deputy Director of Public Security in Ajaccio.
He was responsible for the policing of many football matches of the Premier Ligue and the organization of the arrival and departure of stages of the Tour de France cyclist in Ajaccio. In 2014 he joined the Central Direction of the CRS in Paris as Deputy Director of Logistics. He designed the new EGIDE water launcher with a capacity of 10,000 liters. In 2018, he took over the position of Deputy Zonal Director of the CRS in the Western zone where he manages 1650 police officers and administrative and technical staff. He frequently commands large-scale CRS operational groups of up to 2000 police officers in the field. He is a trainer for the senior management of the CRS and speaks on behalf of the Centre National des Arts et Métiers on the subject of policing. He is the author of two books, one written in 2019 “Diriger le maintien de l’ordre” and the other in 2022 “Le Maintien de l’ordre, arbitre de la paix sociale.” He is a Knight of the Order of Academic Palms.
Captain (Ret.) Spencer Fomby is a former commander for public order, SWAT, explosive ordinance disposal, and training. He was previously employed by the Berkeley Police Department for 20 years. He has held primary assignments in patrol, narcotics, and crime prevention. He was assigned to SWAT for 18 years as an entry team member, team leader, and tactical commander. He is a certified instructor in the following disciplines: firearms (pistol, shotgun, and carbine), weaponless defense, impact weapons, Peacekeeper RCB, Gracie Survival Tactics Level 1, active shooter response, ALICE, chemical agents, flash bangs, sting balls, 40 mm launcher, FN 303, shoot house and tactical de-escalation. He has created two CA POST approved de-escalation courses. He was also a tactical instructor for the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA), where he taught Police Counter Ambush and Advanced Response Police Officer (ARPO).
Captain (Ret.) Fomby was the lead Berkeley Police Department public order instructor. He was responsible for equipment selection, tactical training, less-lethal weapon selection, chemical agent selection and deployment, and mission planning. He has been recognized as a subject matter expert in police tactics and works on several national projects. He is the section chair for the National Tactical Officers Association Public Order Section and a member of the NTOA Public Order Standard Committee. He is assigned to a National Institute of Justice Special Technical Committee on crowd control equipment. He is an SME in crowd control equipment and tactics for DHS First Responder Resource Group. Captain (Ret.) Fomby earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Administration of Justice from Howard University and now works as a consultant and expert witness focused on police practices, use of force, officer-involved shootings, and public order.
Craig Dobson has 24 years of law enforcement experience and is assigned as a police Commander at the Portland Police Bureau, assigned to lead the strategic planning and managing of the bureau’s downtown precinct of 146 sworn and professional staff. He also serves as the Senior Public Order Incident Commander for the Bureau, overseeing the Public Order Incident Commander Program. Additionally, Craig is the Police Bureau’s Instructor for Command personnel involving Public Order– Responsible for developing and teaching Bureau command staff the principles and theory behind Public Order including 1st amendment implications, crowd behavior, social identity, police capabilities, and appropriate tactical police responses. Prior to being a commander, he served continuously for 15 years in a detached assignment with the Rapid Response Team (RRT), the Portland Police Bureau’s all-hazards team, and helped develop and coordinate Public Order training for Oregon’s regional Public Order teams including Oregon Air and Army National Guard members. Commander Dobson served as the Overall Incident Commander during the civil unrest of 2020 in Portland.
Peter Davidov has served in law enforcement since 1992 when he began his career as a reserve police officer for the Metropolitan Police in Washington, DC. He has served as a United States Capitol Police Officer, Scottsdale, AZ Police Officer and as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration. He has spent the majority of his career with the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) in Maryland.
Peter has extensive experience as a firearms and general instructor. He has taught entry level and advanced police training in use of force and firearms. He has specialized in the highly demanding area of police response to civil disorder, an environment in which police use of force is highly scrutinized. He has trained for civil disturbance since he began his law enforcement career.
Peter was one of the founding members and lead trainers of Montgomery County’s Special Event Response Team (SERT) which is responsible for handling civil disturbance. He has responded to many major events including IMF protests in Washington, DC, the 2009 G20 protest in Pittsburgh, PA, Presidential Inaugurations in 1992, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013 and 2017, and the 2015 Baltimore Civil Unrest. He was one of the leaders for Montgomery County’s SERT response to the Baltimore unrest. He was the part of the command team for MCPDs emergency response to the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
He is one of the founding members of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) CDU subcommittee and served as chairman of the committee from 2015-2017 and is the current Chairman. He is currently a member of the National Institute of Justice’s Special Technical Committee for CDU personal protective equipment. As a member of the STC he travelled to the United Kingdom and Germany to meet with public order and crowd control experts and practitioners in November of 2017. He presented at the National Public Order Workshop in Ottawa, Canada in November of 2019 at the invitation of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He is a consultant for the DHS Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, AL serving as a crowd management instructor and subject matter expert. He is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association Public Order Working group. He has worked as an expert witness in the area of police response to public order events in federal civil litigation.
Peter holds a Bachelor of Science in Foreign service and a Master of Arts in National Security Studies both from Georgetown University. He is a graduate of the 279th Session of the FBI National Academy.
Eli Cory is the Deputy Chief of Police for Investigations for the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) in Virginia, USA. He has been a sworn member of the department for since 1998 and serving in the Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) as an officer, supervisor, and commander since 2001. In the later portion of his CDU service, he held the position of overall CDU commander. During his tenure with the CDU he deployed on several Presidential inaugurations, International Monetary Foundation protests, Bilderberg protests, a Papal Visit, January 6th United States Capitol response, post Floyd demonstrations, National Rifle Association protests, and a multitude of varying protests within Fairfax County. In addition to CDU responsibilities, Deputy Chief Cory also served his community in a variety of capacities commanding the Northern Virginia Reginal Intelligence Center, a Patrol Division, Traffic Division, and the Public Affairs Bureau. He holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University and a Masters Degree from the George Mason University.
Claire Clark is a former Chief Superintendent who served in the Metropolitan Police Service for 31 years, retiring in October 2022. She joined the Metropolitan Police Service in September 1991 after a BA (Hons) in English and Sociology. For the first 11 years of her service, as a constable and sergeant, she worked on emergency response teams, gaining skills as a response driver, public order officer, public order loggist and Police Support Unit (PSU) commander, specialist sexual offences investigator, officer safety instructor. As an inspector she had several leadership roles including responsibility for custody, volume crime investigations, neighborhood policing at Notting Hill and the borough taskforce.
She continued her public order event policing on promotion to Chief Inspector by becoming public order command trained and spending a significant number of weekends at Arsenal’s Emirates stadium. As a Superintendent she completed the Senior Investigating Officer course and led the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Northwest London. Prior to retirement Claire was the head of the department responsible for the planning the police response for all public order events in London which included protest, sporting events, festivals, concerts, and ceremonial events. She was one of the most experienced Public Order Commanders in London and was also a Multi-Agency Gold Incident Commander and a tactical CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) commander. She holds a master’s degree in leadership and management and is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Renn Cannon is a public safety consultant focusing on leadership development, investigation and intelligence, and integrated strategy development. With decades of public service, Renn last served in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Portland Division. In this role, Renn led the FBI response to numerous public order events including Occupy ICE PDX, protest clashes in 2019, and the 2020 Portland riots. Prior to Portland, Renn served throughout the FBI. As a section chief in Washington, DC, he oversaw the FBI’s Leadership Development Program. Serving as an Assistant Special Agent in Charge in Salt Lake City, Utah, Renn led national security, intelligence and tactical programs throughout Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Renn also served overseas in Sydney, Australia coordinating joint investigative efforts in Australia, New Zealand, and the island nations of the South Pacific. Entering service in the FBI’s San Francisco Division, Renn worked violent and organized crime, international terrorism, and crisis management matters including SWAT operations and leadership. Upon promotion, Renn provided leadership in the Joint Terrorism Task Force and served in Afghanistan as the FBI’s Deputy On-Scene Commander. Prior to the FBI, Renn served in the US Army including service in Bosnia during the initial phases of Operation Joint Endeavor. Renn also had a successful stint in the private sector as a manufacturing manager. Renn is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, is married and has three children.
Michael Bornhausen worked for several departments of the Hessian Police, including an evidence-gathering and arrest unit. In 2009, he joined the Department of Police Operations. In addition to working as a specialist instructor, he assumed management of the Tactical Communication Coordination Unit Hesse. In 2016, he began working for the Central Police Psychological Service of the Hesse Police (ZPD) and is responsible for coordinating the police operations and communication. Major Bornhausen is a certified social media manager and crisis manager. Starting in 2022, he became head of the Communication and Crisis Management Competence Center at the Hessian University of Public Management and Security in the Center for Police Psychological Services. He oversees Tactical Communication, operational communication, Press officers, and psychosocial emergency care statewide. He has served as a section leader in numerous operations, including leading the Tactical Communications section in the large-scale operation that lasted several months to continue the construction of the federal freeway A49.
Udo Behrendes, senior police officer (retired), served as an officer in North Rhine-Westphalia from 1972 to 2015, and most recently as head of the Cologne police headquarters management staff. Since the late 1980s, he led police operations during several hundred demonstrations. In the mid-1990s, he was a founding member of the “Bonner Forum BürgerInnen und Polizei e.V.”, an experiment that promoted dialogue between protestors and police.
After two years of work it is done – my book about Public Order Policing “Die Rolle der Polizei bei Versammlungen” (translates as “The Role of Police at Assemblies”) in german language was published. The introduction to the book and an overview of the authors and contents of the chapters can be downloaded here (click) free of charge. The book is available for order at Springer or Amazon or Kindle.
A first review has also already been published, among others in the Hessische Polizeirundschau, written by Rudi Heimann, Police Vice President of the Police Südhessen. A short excerpt: “The approximately 380 pages compiled by Bernd Bürger are an asset worth reading for all police practitioners and every person who deals with the phenomenon of people in gatherings, assemblies or events on a scientific as well as on an operational strategic and tactical level. And I agree with the editor in his assessment that the contents have not been the subject of practice-oriented curricula until now. Thus, it is initially left to each responsible executive to further educate himself with this work and to convey the contents in a suitable manner in order to effectively increase safety of the police forces entrusted to him.” Hessische Polizeirundschau 4/22, p. 16.
In June 2023, the Austrian Sicherheitsakademie (SIAK, Education and research institution of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria) hosted an international Workshop on Public Order, Crowd Management and Riot Control. The responsible organizer, Chief Insp. Thomas Greis, welcomed 7 international speakers and around 100 subject matter experts from 14 nations in Vienna to this 3-day information-packed program.
Speakers (from left): Col. Ernst Albrecht (Austria, WEGA), Paul Moss (Netherlands, Police Academy), Alan Hanson (USA, Fairfax PD), Thomas Greis (Host, Austria, SIAK), Brian Biller (USA, LAPD), Franz Schoening (USA, Portland PD), Dr. Bernd Bürger (Germany, BPFI), Pedro Nogueira (Portugal, GNR)
As the Austrian representative, Colonel Ernst Albrecht (Vienna Regional Police Directorate, ASE WEGA, Austrias “Advanced” Public Order Unit) introduced the structure of the various units that are deployed by the Police for large scale crowd operations. He also tried to familiarize the attendees with the “3-D philosophy” (Note: Dialogue – De-escalation – Enforcement), which is successfully applied in Austria, and at the same time to explain which, which of the introduced units are trained and equipped for which level. Finally, the contents were framed by the presentation of various operational videos of the WEGA.
From the United States of America (USA), Captain Alan Hanson (Fairfax County Police Department) gave a presentation on the current standard of the American Public Order Policing as well as the status of the necessary equipment and operational tactics. To further improve these topics, a working group was set up in 2014, which traveled to Europe and obtained information from the British and German police authorities, among others. The American colleagues were particularly impressed by the clear definition of standards for protective equipment and various operational tactics, which have proven themselves over decades. Among other things, the “Public Order Response and Operation Standard”, which can be regarded as the American Public Order Policing guideline, was developed from this knowledge. He also gave insights in cross-border police cooperation since each state and even counties in America often have different laws and police authorities, but regularly need to assist each other. This mutual aid is regulated in the EMAC (Emergency Management Assistance Compact), which makes it easier to request or coordinate units across state borders during large-scale operations or crises. He demonstrated these procedures, their benefits and challenges with practical examples like the Baltimore City Riots in 2015 and storming of the US Capitol).
Colonel Dr. Bernd Bürger (Germany, Institute for further education of the Bavarian Police) talked about the necessary Mindset for Public Order Policing. He shared insights into the topic of mass psychology and explained why and how police should use this for their strategy and tactics. In particular, Dr. Bürger addressed the issue of how each individual police officer and police leaders can and should prepare themselves, especially mentally, for upcoming missions. The mental examination of possible scenarios and developments alone, as well as an independent examination of current issues surrounding the topic of assemblies, expands the awareness of each individual and the (mental) ability to react in the field enormously. For example, Dr. Bürger pointed out that police needs to be aware, that crowds at large gatherings are not composed of one large community with the same interests and attitudes, but of many different ones. And neglecting that by treating the whole crowd the same (like the few perpetrators) is most likely the cause for those originally different groups within a crowd to feel like one (psychological) crowd – an effect that can be called solidarization and which will often is the starting point for a event to deteriorate.
Col. Dr. Bernd Bürger
The Dutch representative, Chief Superintendent Paul Moss (Police Academy of The Netherlands) led the audience through the structure of the law enforcement police in a very interesting and pictorial presentation. He explained how the education and training for such units is regulated. A major focus of the Dutch police are coordinated regular exercises of all kinds of different police units. On each “practice Thursday” they come together and practice to help a friction-free and efficient cooperation in the field.
Captain Brian Bixler of the Los Angeles Police Department kept the audience entertained by sharing his thoughts on, among other things, the physically and mentally challenging “Riots After the Death of George Floyd”. He presented the social and tactical challenges faced by the entire Los Angeles police. At the same time he was very candid and explained that the LAPD had very rudimentary public order tactics at the time and that they were adjusted as a result of the events. The presenter introduced the new system of how such phenomena can be assessed and managed by police, focusing on the the special role of police leadership at different levels in making decisions (perfectly complementing the presentation of Dr. Bürger) . Are the orders clearly formulated? What are the consequences of my decision? Can I keep a clear head even in dynamic situations? How do I deal with a plurality of operational localities? He also gave insights into the LAPD’s mounted police and their capabilities at public order events and presented the Tactical Response Force (TRF) as a very efficient tactical component that makes targeted arrests of suspects which can be also deployed at large-scale crowd operations.
Colonel Pedro Nogueira from Portugal (Guarda Nacional Republicana, GNR) gave a deep insight into the organization of this police-military unit, which is deployed throughout the country and is divided into 4 different levels of intervention. The 3rd level of response it the Public Order Intervention Group which is stationed in Porto, Lisbon and Faro. To join this unit, a rigorous selection process including performance tests must be completed. Ongoing training and performance tests help keep officers fit and assertive. He also gave an overview of recent developments in the area of violent protesters and how they confront police tactics and equipment. Among other things, he presented the 2019 truck drivers’ strike in Portugal, which is using their heavy trucks to block major thoroughfares
Captain Franz Schöning from the USA (Portland Police Department, Oregon) started his presentation “100 Days of Portland Protests from May 2020 to July 2020” with an overview of the organization and structure of the Portland Police Department. He explained that the city already had multiple experiences with demonstrations with potential for violence. The police department also had to learn a lot in public relations. The Portland Police Department now has specially trained dialogue police officers. Turning to the 2020 protests, months earlier public opinion toward the police began to shift: Concerns about police bias and legitimacy grew. Images and stories (often intentionally distorted) emerged on social media, combined with enormous attention from international media regarding the local protests. Over time, these views led to a perception within the police that working in law enforcement was a “career killer.” In addition, the authorities had not invested in the Rapid Response Team (RRT, the unit is, among other things, specialized on targeted arrests of people prepared to use violence in large-scale events) for some time. On May 25, 2020, G. Floyd was killed in the line of police duty and the first riots broke out in the city. Approximately 100 days of civil unrest followed throughout the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Captain Schoenig explained that conversation with the protesters did not go as desired, basically there was no communication at all. Many protesters were extremely well-organized and made tactical measures enormously difficult for the police. The local police’s ability to handle those events with its own forces posed a particularly great challenge. Likewise, judicial or political decisions sometimes made (cooperative) work with support forces from the federal police or fire department impossible. The Federal Police, now deployed as support, did not consider themselves bound by local law and invariably enforced federal law, which further worsened the situation in relation to the protesters. Any support provided by the State Police and surrounding Sherifs was contingent on the use of tear gas (CS), which was not released by the agency. To make matters worse, on Day 93 of the protests, a “Trump truck rally” was held with approximately 900 vehicles, with clashes between left-wing and right-wing groups feared. After the judiciary brought charges against members of the RRT, all members of this unit resigned on June 17, 2020. Captain Schoening then spoke about the lessons learned and what should be considered for future police situations of this kind and what should be included in the considerations regarding operational tactics: The good organization of the counterpart, use of lasers against police officers, psychological effects by leaf blowers, signs, paint bags, pyrotechnics, etc. on the units; use of vehicles and caltrops to interrupt transport and supply routes of the police; officers were insulted by demonstrators on their way to or from the office and sometimes needed protect themselves at the change of shifts, etc. This stressful circumstance led to psychological and social consequences for a majority of police officers. Families and friendships often broke down due to the immense pressure of duty as well as the differences of opinion among the population. Finally he talked about the embedding of firefighter-paramedics (“embedded fire medics”). These are members of the fire department who can volunteer for service in the public order police. There they deployed exclusively in this function (medical concerns or fire fighting) within the police units. They have their own uniform and protective equipment. In this way, police officers can remain assigned to their primary task, and cooperation and understanding between the organizations is also fostered. Many lessons in the field of equipment, training, command structure but also communication on all channels available to the police were learned from this operation, which have since been implemented accordingly.
Thank you very much SIAK and especially Thomas Greis, for organizing and hosting this great event!
We just received our cover in high resolution and are proud to share it with you – together with a flyer, our publisher provided to us. But there is more work coming up for us – the authors’ proofs and then the final proof by us, the editors. We are expecting our book to be published December 2023!
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Gluing oneself to the streets, pour soup over famous paintings in museums or pour orange color over sights. Are the members of “The Last Generation”, that often perform those tactics, “climate extremists”? Or are they practicing civil disobedience?
Definitions, Development and Discussion about Legitimacy.
Successful public order policing is critical to upholding democracy and maintaining the rule of law. Negative police-public interactions during assemblies can impact the safety and well-being of citizens and officers, as well as local and international perceptions of police legitimacy. As observed during events across the world, including assemblies in the U.S., Myanmar, Belarus, Russia, and elsewhere, police mismanagement of mass demonstrations often instigates crowd violence and other harmful behaviors. The causes of violence at assemblies are complex and multi-faceted. Failure to understand crowd dynamics that lead to violence limits police effectiveness and contributes to poor officer decision-making.
With our anthology we offer an international review of public order management experiences and effective practices. Practical examples, grounded in multi-disciplinary theory and science, offer a roadmap to improve police response and increase safety at assemblies in democratic countries. The diverse content, perspectives, and lessons learned presented in this volume will serve as a useful guide for all people working in the field of public order management, including police officials, policymakers, and researchers. This edited volume was written by and for practitioners, pracademics, and academics to review the complex and demanding task of policing public order.
New Book Provides Roadmap for Police Management of Public Order Assuring Safety of Large Gatherings Seen as Critical to Upholding Democracy.
Managing public order at large demonstrations, protests, and assemblies is a demanding and necessary task. A new book provides an international review of public order management experiences and effective practices. Through practical examples grounded in multidisciplinary theory and science, the book offers a roadmap to improve police response and increase safety at large gatherings in democratic countries [Continue on their website].
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